תבנית:שליפת נתוני משחקים

מתוך ויקיפועל
קפיצה לניווט קפיצה לחיפוש

Error 1054: Unknown column 'StartDate' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `cargo__Games`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_Games`,CONCAT(case liga when '1' then 'ליגה' else mifal end),COUNT(*),SUM(case result when '1' then 1 else 0 end),SUM(case result when 'x' then 1 else 0 end),SUM(case result when '0' then 1 else 0 end),SUM(case host when 'הפועל ת"א' then homescore else 0 end)+SUM(case oponent when 'הפועל ת"א' then awayscore else 0 end),SUM(case host when 'הפועל ת"א' then awayscore else 0 end)+SUM(case oponent when 'הפועל ת"א' then homescore else 0 end),`department` AS `department`,'{{{מיום}}}' AS `fromday`,'{{{מחודש}}}' AS `frommonth`,'{{{משנה}}}' AS `fromyear`,'{{{ליום}}}' AS `today`,'{{{לחודש}}}' AS `tomonth`,'{{{לשנה}}}' AS `toyear`,'{{{יריבה}}}' AS `against` FROM `cargo__Games` WHERE liga IS NOT NULL AND liga='{{{ליגה}}}' AND department='{{{מחלקה}}}' AND result='{{{תוצאה}}}' AND homegame='{{{ביתיות}}}' AND (`cargo__Games`.`host`= OR `cargo__Games`.`oponent`=) AND STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(`cargo__Games`.`year`,'-',`cargo__Games`.`month`, '-', `cargo__Games`.`day`), '%Y-%m-%d') >= StartDate AND STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(`cargo__Games`.`year`,'-',`cargo__Games`.`month`, '-', `cargo__Games`.`day`), '%Y-%m-%d') <= EndDate AND mifal='{{{מפעל}}}' GROUP BY mifal ORDER BY `year`,`month`,`day` LIMIT 100